BLOG 2013

The photographs will be used in Bell's marketing worldwide so it is important that a diversity of ages and nationalities are covered in the photos, also a mix of landscape and portrait styles to cater for the designs on the website and literature. The coverage today was a mix of classroom based subjects along with life skills which included cooking plus sports activities, football, frisbee and at the end of the day a Gladiators style event where the students had to compete against the teachers.
I used the 70-200mm on the full frame 5D MK3, this gave me plenty of scope to capture some tighter cropped images along with wider images in the classrooms and in the grounds of the School. The classrooms were light and airy so didn't provide any problems with the natural light coming through due to the large windows. The 1D did make an appearance for the sports photography, the faster frame rate and cropped sensor allowing me just to get in a bit closer to the action. The day ended at 8.30pm and although busy and tiring had been a success with the variety of images that were achieved.
I used the 70-200mm on the full frame 5D MK3, this gave me plenty of scope to capture some tighter cropped images along with wider images in the classrooms and in the grounds of the School. The classrooms were light and airy so didn't provide any problems with the natural light coming through due to the large windows. The 1D did make an appearance for the sports photography, the faster frame rate and cropped sensor allowing me just to get in a bit closer to the action. The day ended at 8.30pm and although busy and tiring had been a success with the variety of images that were achieved.