Here are some links to other sites you may find useful. The Stock Photography at Alamy link below contains further examples of my work, some of which is aimed more at commercial uses.
Please note that all this site contains a number of external links. Their inclusion does not signify any endorsement. Chris Barnes is not responsible for the contents of such sites, or any links contained within them.
Please note that all this site contains a number of external links. Their inclusion does not signify any endorsement. Chris Barnes is not responsible for the contents of such sites, or any links contained within them.
Computer flexibility with Windows Systems
The more programmes you load on your computer the slower Windows gets. So why not have several Windows systems on the same computer ? - and they don't have to all be the same (e.g. 98SE, 2000, XP, another XP , etc).
As a photographer I find this helps a lot because you have one system for images and another for entertainment,another for internet, and another for Windows 98SE for hardware that no longer supplies drivers for XP!
Windows runs much more reliably with less programs per system.
If you are technical, read the technical stuff on this link, as I think it really covers the details needed for those with initial doubts. I have found them very helpful for any queries on their programme and their leaflet was very detailed for both installation and any troubleshooting.
Please click on the LOWER of the two banners below to visit the site of Hyperos.
As a photographer I find this helps a lot because you have one system for images and another for entertainment,another for internet, and another for Windows 98SE for hardware that no longer supplies drivers for XP!
Windows runs much more reliably with less programs per system.
If you are technical, read the technical stuff on this link, as I think it really covers the details needed for those with initial doubts. I have found them very helpful for any queries on their programme and their leaflet was very detailed for both installation and any troubleshooting.
Please click on the LOWER of the two banners below to visit the site of Hyperos.

Alamy Images
You will find some more of my photographs here, some inclined more towards commercial advertising and lifestyle images so they have higher prices!.
Events in Surrey
See this link for events and walks around Surrey - it even has a weather link!
Marwell Zoo
Marwell Zoo is in Hampshire and has good facilities for photographers. They also have some lovely animals. A "must-see" if you are in the area.
Epilepsy Society
The Epilepsy Society, previously called The National Society for Epilepsy (NSE), is an internationally renowned centre for care and research for people with epilepsy. This is a charity which receives nowhere near enough funds to provide for all the accomodation needed to meet the demand for seriously ill people with severe epilepsy. Most residents now on site have epilepsy which cannot be fully controlled, even with a multiple seizure control medication regime. They therefore specialise in caring for these people and all care staff have to be fully trained in emergency procedures for epilepsy. The Epilepsy Society have made some great progress by building an extension for the most chronic cases and have now managed to build two of three further 2-wing homes needed, a Supported Living home with the help of a very generous donation, and a genetics research centre.
In recent years many of the more able residents have had to move off-site following Government policy and rejected planning permissions from Chiltern Planning Authority straining budgets.
The accepted new buildings, built to modern Building Standards, replace single storey with two-storey designs. Some consider 2-storeys was inappropriate for the less able residents, but the vast improvement in the accommodation standards was welcomed by all.
Funding such an expensive building program, and completing a the third twin-wing home, is currently going to have to be at the expense of the sell-off of a substancial area of the Society's land. This land will undoubtedly be used for many houses, providing profits for others and denying space for later expansion of the site for the intended use designated by the original benefactors. This is a very hard trade to make.
The Epilepsy Society also provide many information and support services for medical and care training, and people with epilepsy that are able to follow a career in the community.
Major issues currently are the harder fight for parents to obtain funding to obtain a place at the Epilepsy Society, and imminent threat of the withdrawal of the Mobility Allowance by the Government for parents of residents.
It is difficult to explain all the issues involved here. However, many parents live well away from the site - some many hours travel away. Help with special transport costs to allow the resident to come home for visits, go on a short holiday once a year (where appropriate and when they are well enough- rarely more than 3-7 days due to the high cost of paying for staff shifts to look after them for 24 hours a day), special wheelchairs and vehicle fittings, extra payments for staff to bring them home and back when parents become too old or frail to visit the site or drive, and trips out to the cinema or theatre or a park are some of the vital things that Mobility Allowance helps to meet.
Please visit their website on this link for further information from the management. Your support would be very much appreciated - you could even add this charity to your EBay account to provide a donation each time you purchase from EBay!
In recent years many of the more able residents have had to move off-site following Government policy and rejected planning permissions from Chiltern Planning Authority straining budgets.
The accepted new buildings, built to modern Building Standards, replace single storey with two-storey designs. Some consider 2-storeys was inappropriate for the less able residents, but the vast improvement in the accommodation standards was welcomed by all.
Funding such an expensive building program, and completing a the third twin-wing home, is currently going to have to be at the expense of the sell-off of a substancial area of the Society's land. This land will undoubtedly be used for many houses, providing profits for others and denying space for later expansion of the site for the intended use designated by the original benefactors. This is a very hard trade to make.
The Epilepsy Society also provide many information and support services for medical and care training, and people with epilepsy that are able to follow a career in the community.
Major issues currently are the harder fight for parents to obtain funding to obtain a place at the Epilepsy Society, and imminent threat of the withdrawal of the Mobility Allowance by the Government for parents of residents.
It is difficult to explain all the issues involved here. However, many parents live well away from the site - some many hours travel away. Help with special transport costs to allow the resident to come home for visits, go on a short holiday once a year (where appropriate and when they are well enough- rarely more than 3-7 days due to the high cost of paying for staff shifts to look after them for 24 hours a day), special wheelchairs and vehicle fittings, extra payments for staff to bring them home and back when parents become too old or frail to visit the site or drive, and trips out to the cinema or theatre or a park are some of the vital things that Mobility Allowance helps to meet.
Please visit their website on this link for further information from the management. Your support would be very much appreciated - you could even add this charity to your EBay account to provide a donation each time you purchase from EBay!
Farnborough Airshow
The link will give details for the next internationally famous show including some superb flying displays and component trade stands.